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What are total knee and hip replacement?

A complete knee and hip joint replacement are a surgery that includes supplanting the exhausted or harmed joints of the knee and the hip with a prosthesis (artificial joint) made of metal, or plastic. The pieces of a knee joint that can be supplanted incorporate the femur (the lower part of the thighbone), tibia (the upper piece of the shin bone) and patella (the back part of the kneecap). The pieces of the prosthetic hip joint comprise of a stem, the ball, and a cup.

Why are total knee and hip joint replacement recommended?

An all out knee and hip joint supplanting are suggested for patients with seriously harmed knee and hip joints because of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid joint inflammation, post-horrible joint inflammation, or injury. Joint inflammation solidifies the joints making it excruciating and harder to walk in any event, for more limited distances. The joint substitution of the knee and hip are typically thought about when treatments like drugs, works out, or different treatments have not been useful.

How is it performed?

Total Knee Replacement: Surgery for replacing the knee joint (also known as total knee arthroplasty) is performed either under general anaesthesia, or spinal or epidural anaesthesia. The knee is opened using an incision of 8 – 10 inches long. The kneecap is moved so that the damaged part of the cartilage at the end of the thighbone and shin bone can be cut and replaced with a metal prosthesis. In between the metal prosthesis, a medical-grade plastic spacer is inserted for a smooth gliding surface. The back portion of the kneecap is replaced with the prosthesis which is usually made of strong plastic. 

Total Hip Replacement: Surgery for replacing the hip joint (also known as total hip arthroplasty) is performed either under general anaesthesia or spinal or epidural anaesthesia. Traditionally, hip replacement surgery uses longer incisions over the hip joint. In a more advanced approach, few smaller incisions on the hip joint are made to access the hip joint (minimally invasive hip replacement). The damaged cartilage and bone are removed and replaced with hip prosthetics made of metal, plastic, or ceramic. The stem is fitted into the femur or the thigh bone, a ball or the head joint is fixed onto the stem and a cup is placed inside the hip joint socket. 


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